Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Mark!

Today is Mark's birthday. In honor of this very special occasion I decided to list 10 things I love and appreciate about Mark the most.

10) He loves old movies.
9)   He cooks good AND cleans up the kitchen!
8)   He always opens my car door.
7)   He has good taste in music.
6)   He's related to Elvis.
5)   He's a snappy dresser, holes and all. ;-)
4)   He's a great dancer (NOLA, tennis shoes, jumping jacks) [wink wink]
3)   He accepts, without qualm, my crazy dog lady-ness.
2)   He loves my kids AND he's a great grandpa. and the number 1 thing I love about Mark!

[drum roll please]...

1)   He makes me laugh!!! Even when he's trying his hardest to "get my goat" (and aggravating me to death in the process) he STILL makes me laugh. :-)

Thank you Mark for being such a wonderful boyfriend all these years and always remember, no matter what, no matter how hard you try, no matter how many times you attempt it, you still cannot have your ring back!! heehee

Happy Birthday Mark!!!

Seems I'm not the only one who loves Mark.:)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Looking back on 2012


January - Monet's Water Lilies at St. Louis Art Museum...Living room, dining room and hall painted...Mark celebrated a birthday!
February - Valentine's dinner with my sweetheart...Lots of fun times with Jude...Sue celebrated a birthday!

March - Wine country with Aunt Mary and Uncle Denny...Mom celebrated a birthday!
April - Easter Sunday...Warm weather...Jeff, Marilyn, Deb, and I celebrated a birthday!
May - Beautiful flowers...Memorial Day barbecue...Mel celebrated a birthday!
June - Family/dogs/Fred vacation in Galveston...Bob celebrated a birthday!

July - Drive to Grafton...Mandy came home!
August - Danielle's shower...Emily's new class...Eric and the cutest 2-year-old in the world celebrated a birthday!

September - Kee family engagement...Mandy came home...Jake and Danielle's wedding!
October - Halloween...Mandy celebrated a birthday!

November - Thanksgiving and MUCH to be thankful for!

December - Christmas...Mandy's home again...Jake, Emily, and Danielle celebrated a birthday!