They're starlings. But it's a picture I took on a recent cold winter day that I thought was kind of cool. My dear sweet dad always loved birds and looking up in the sky that day they reminded me of him. Especially so since it was a drive home from the country where he was from. It will be a year in May since my beloved dad, Jesse William, passed away. Thank God it happened in the warm month of May and not on a cold winter day. Like me, my dad was never a fan of winter. And like me, he was a bit of a loner, quiet and reserved most of the time, always watching the outside world from inside. He wasn't a perfect man, as one doesn't exist, but he was a good man and as the years went by he became an even better man. Thoughtful, kind, and with a love of animals and nature, a gentle soul that never quite got over his awe of the universe. He never quite understood the wonders in life but something tells me he understands completely now.