Love the wineries of Ste. Genevieve. Just wish sometimes they weren't so spread apart. Of course, taking a wrong turn and getting lost for miles and miles tends to make them seem even further apart.
Any which way we go, I still love the wineries of Ste. Genevieve.
Saturday – August 24, 2013 (3 wineries)
1) Cave Vineyard – a very cool place (literally)
for a glass of wine on a hot summer day
koi fish pond inside the cave
2) Chaumette Winery and Vineyards – always my favorite
Chaumette's charming and elegant chapel, Saint Vincent's-in-the-Vineyard
Always thought this would be a beautiful place to marry.
3) Charleville Vineyard – Mark's favorite
A nice little stop on our way to Charleville.
For pics and a song...
Song: Neil Halstead - Digging Shelters