Emily's dog Lola was taken to the emergency animal hospital tonight, all because of a yearly required rabies shot. Some dogs have terrible and even life threatening reactions to rabies shots. Lola is one of those dogs. The poor thing has suffered miserably since her 11am appt this morning. It's now very late and she's finally settled down...I'm hoping for the night so we can all get some much needed sleep. I've never known a dog to react as Lola has but as I looked up rabies shots and their possible side effects tonight I've learned there are surprisingly many dogs who suffer symptoms such as the ones in the post below. I found the informative video included in the post very interesting. Anyone who has ever loved a pet should watch it.
Symptoms of Rabies Shots Problem in Dogs
Posted By Nancy Houser on May 27, 2009
Most people do not think of the many side effects and dangers of rabies shots in dogs, recognizing even less the symptoms of rabies shots problems in dogs. Unfortunately, they can be life threatening and dangerous to our family pets so knowing what they are may save your pet’s life.
If your dog is showing symptoms after getting their rabies shot: breathing heavily, his face is swelling and eyes watering, and/or the animal is vomiting–it may be having a reaction which can be potentially a life-threatening allergic reaction. Immediate attention and action should be given.
Immediately or up to 3 days after the shot:
Facial swelling
Fever or lethargy
Circulatory shock
Loss of consciousness
Days, weeks or months after the shot:
Fibrosarcoma (cancer) at the injection site
Seizures and Epilepsy
Autoimmune diseases, including organ disease, allergies and skin problems
Chronic digestive problems
Muscle weakness, especially lack of hind end coordination
Chronic digestive disorders
Skin diseases like Ischemic Dermatopathy / Cutaneous vasculitis
Behavior problems: aggression, destructive behaviors, separation anxiety and odd obsessive behaviors (like tail chasing and paw licking)
2 years ago
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