Seeing The Jayhawks in Chicago last Friday was just what I expected...
wonderful! I couldn't have asked for anything more. Long time fans from far away places came to see them perform for their second night at the Vic Theater. The Jayhawks are a band that began their journey together long ago and a band that many never expected to play as a band again but as Gary Louris himself said recently
"We're not a museum piece...but a living, breathing unit that still feels like it's on its game and can make a great record that stands next to the other ones." And as to why the band decided to play as a living, breathing unit once again...he had this to say
"We realized we were still a great band." I love that and I hope they continue to realize they're still a great band.
Mark put it into words best Friday night when he said listening to the Jayhawks is like listening to one voice. And I thought yeah that's exactly it. That's what it is about this band. And it's not that singer/ songwriters Mark Olson and Gary Louris' voices sound the same. They don't. It's the way their voices complement and blend so harmoniously together that turns their distinct voices into one. One would never be the same or complete without the other. And I for one am so very happy to hear them together again.
The video below includes images from Chicago, along with the Jayhawks song
"Settled Down Like Rain", and, what an appropriate name for the song I think as hearing it tends to settle me down, not unlike a calm gentle rain.
"Over My Shoulder" followed by Grand Funk Railroad's "Bad Time"
"Tampa to Tulsa" (performed by drummer Tim O'Reagan)
A recent article about the Jayhawks: