Monday, September 6, 2010

Why old dogs are the best dogs

I'm a big softie when it comes to dogs and reading this touching account of how a dog named Harry may have viewed his final years brought tears to my eyes.

It made me recall the way my Daisy behaved in the last days of her life. There was a sense of wisdom about her as if she knew more than I could possibly imagine a dog could know. She often appeared to be in her own world with a wistful expression upon her face as if maybe recalling times of her youth and reflecting back on her life. Like the writer of the article, I believe dogs are knowing peaceful creatures that possess a natural humility we humans could learn by. 

If ever I adopt another dog some day it will likely be an older dog. They're the ones usually passed over for the cute playful puppies on adoption day. They're the wise ones with the tender hearts that rarely get a second chance. I can think of nothing more satisfying than making the remaining days, months, or years of a senior dog's life golden.

Golden, a beautiful song by My Morning Jacket

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its great how people can come together to care for an elderly dog.

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