Happy Birthday to my darling daughter Mandy who 30 years ago today made her way into this world and instantly brightened mine. What can I say about my first born child? My ever so serious baby who froze in fright whenever lifted up in the air. My fearful kindergartner who clung to my leg and looked up at me with big brown eyes that said "please take me home." My tenacious teenager who pushed herself to overcome inherent shyness. My so-much-braver-than-I daughter who moved away after college to a strange place, made a good life for herself, and never looked back. What can I say about Mandy? So many things. I can say that I'll never forget the first time I saw her scrunched up red face and thought she was the most beautiful baby in the world. I can say I'll never forget the feeling of reaching out to touch her for the first time. I can say that in all the years since then she has grown into a wonderful and caring person. I can say so many things about my daughter but most of all I can say that
I love her from the very bottom of to the utmost tip of
my heart. Happy 30TH Birthday Mandy!!!
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