Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and a good time to count blessings, so without further adieu here's my
Countdown to Ten Things I’m Thankful for this Thanksgiving (though not exactly in order of importance as many are equally important).
ta da Drum Roll Please...
10) My house – Yes I gripe about the pains of home ownership (the upkeep, the yard work, etc) and no I don't live in the home of my dreams nor in my dream town but I have to say my house has provided my family with security, safety, and shelter for many years...and so far (knock on wood) there have been no major catastrophes (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself)... and I am very thankful for that.
9) My job – I've been fortunate to have a good job working with good people for 20 years
(minus the time I left for a week and the other time I left for a year-and-a half). Click left pic to see their smiling faces. I still can’t believe they took me back... and I am very thankful for that.
8) My dogs – Even though technically I have just one dog (Winnie), as long as I live under the same roof as Emily (and her dog Lola), I’ll always have two dogs to love and care about...and to keep me company and drive me a little crazy at the same time... and I am very thankful for that.
7) My health – I should exercise and yes I could stand to eat better but at least I quit smoking cigarettes years ago (if the scant OP’s I've bummed don’t count) and if you don't know what OP's are, they don't. Fortunately my health seems to be fine and I feel pretty good the majority of the time... and I am very thankful for that.
(Darn, wouldn't you know I couldn't find a picture of me eating an apple or exercising anywhere...).
6) My grandson Jude – what can I say about baby Jude? Mere words can’t describe the powerful love I feel for this boy. He's sweet, quiet, funny, perfect from his fingertips to his toes, has blue eyes, likes to eat, loves his hands, makes you work for a smile, he's
my grandson... and I am very thankful for that.
5) His wonderful mom Erin – I can’t imagine a better mother for Jude than his mom Erin. People like her come around once in a blue moon... sweet, pretty, caring, and with a heart of gold, that's Erin. She's also a great mom... and I am very thankful for that.
4) My brother, sister, and dad – I feel lucky to have grown up with siblings I not only love but love to be around. I can't imagine life without them and though dad is no longer here in the physical sense he'll always be with us in the treasured memories he left behind... and I am very thankful for that.
3) My one-of-a-kind mom – I dearly love my one-of-a-kind mom. Strong willed, opinionated, say anything, this mama grizzly has always been there for her kids, and her grandkids, and now her great grandkids. She can always be counted on in any and all times... and I am very thankful for that.
2) Mark – talk about one of a kind. Still opens my car door, loves to go shopping and insists on carrying the bags, clips coupons
(for me and the dogs), takes me places I’ve never been, feeds me good, loves the same music, loves me...
and my kids, has crazy dance moves that make me laugh (especially his
"go to" moves), wears funny hats and lets me take goofy pictures, raises my spirits, and so much more... and I am very thankful for that.
1) My kids – Did I ever
not have kids? I can't imagine
(and E, I mean that in a good way). No matter how old or how far away they'll always be my kids and thru anything and everything I will love and care about them more than anything in the world. In them I feel as if I did something right, something good... and I am very thankful for that.